Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Micah Hanks: A New Website

As many of you will know, Micah Hanks is the North Carolina rep for the CFZ. However, Micah has many interests beyond cryptozoology, and here he is to tell you about his brand-new venture:

Greetings all,

Hope everyone's doing okay, and that you're all surviving the sweltering summer heat!

I wanted to take a moment to invite you (if you haven't visited already) to have a look at my new website, Politomatic:

If you know me, you're already aware that I advocate common sense, not the partisan mentality that has stifled and separated so much of the American public today. I think that by being open-minded and advocating principles and integrity, rather than party-cheerleading and the ruse of "good guys vs bad guys" played by politicians and pundits alike, we can really move forward as a society. With the problems we face in government today (and have faced for the last several years), more and more people are devoting time and energy to understanding what's REALLY going on out there... being the political junkie that I am, I embrace diving into it all head-first.

That said, I welcome folks from all walks of life, just as I'd hope you might do for me, to have a look, or if you feel compelled, to share your perspectives on the site and its content. Also, as things develop more and I can get this (slowly but steadily-moving) endeavor off the ground, I'd love to call on a few of you for assistance with certain aspects of it. On that front, there'll be more to come as it develops...

Thanks for all your support, and for the insights I hope I've encouraged you to provide.

Warm regards,

Micah A. Hanks

Friday, July 9, 2010

Micah Hanks: A New Post

Over at Mysterious Universe, the CFZ's North Carolina representative, Micah Hanks, has a new post titled Attack of the Amorphous Monster: When Things Aren’t What They Seem.

And if that has raised your curiosity level (and it should!), here's the link to the complete article.